Skip the Lemon, We’ll Take the Medal!


We did it….again!

Ebel’s Weiss won the silver medal for the second time in two years at Great American Beer Festival 2013.

“The same medal, two years in a row, for the same style is a huge accomplishment. It goes to show that as our brand continues to grow, our consistency is still uncompromised. And that’s something that we will always value as individuals and as a company,” explains Jason Ebel.

Almost 5,000 different brews were submitted to the judging panel of Great American Beer Festival last weekend. The South German-Style Hefeweizen category is described on Beer Advocate:

“A south German style of wheat beer (weissbier) made with a typical ratio of 50:50, or even higher, wheat. A yeast that produces a unique phenolic flavors of banana and cloves with an often dry and tart edge, some spiciness, bubblegum or notes of apples. Little hop bitterness, and a moderate level of alcohol. The “Hefe” prefix means “with yeast”, hence the beers unfiltered and cloudy appearance. Poured into a traditional Weizen glass, the Hefeweizen can be one sexy looking beer.” (

And one sexy looking Ebel’s Weiss Beer it is. We’re very proud of our brew and looking forward to a three-peat next year!

